主演:Raina Hein Steven Luke Tony Todd
简介:When the world is in shambles, plagued by a zombie outbreak, only the strong will survive, but just how much determination will it take? Will Luke and his crew have enough ambition and ...@艾米电影网
导演:Tom DeNucci
主演:Jackie Moore Tony Todd David Chokachi Sully Erna
简介:The filming of a hit reality TV show goes horribly wrong when a group of small town cops respond to a call that brings a whole new meaning to the phrase, domestic disturbance.
导演:Matthew O'Callaghan Todd Wilderman
简介:又一个打猎季节到来之际,黑尾鹿艾略特与母鹿吉赛尔的婚礼在即,可艾略特却心生怯意。刚从主人的束缚中重获自由的腊肠先生却在此时被一群嚣张的宠物绑架, 企图要把它绑回重返丛林的女主人身边。艾略特以此为借口与棕熊布哥、松鼠、鸭子等一行人踏上了解救腊肠的冒险之旅,它们又将进行全方位的抢救大行动。而这一次,它们的战友又多了一只刚逃离了猎人控制的驯养德国猎犬维尼。在供人类和其宠物度假的宠物天堂里,除了痛恨野生动...