简介:《福尔摩斯:基本演绎法》由CBS出品,根据《福尔摩斯》系列改编,地点从19世纪大英帝国国势鼎盛的时期搬到了21世纪繁华热闹的美国纽约。故事里的Sherlock Holmes(约翰尼·李·米勒 Jonny Lee Miller 饰)曾是苏格兰场(伦敦警察厅)的顾问,因毒瘾问题被送到纽约康复中心进行强制戒毒。结束这段不光彩的历史后在布鲁克林安顿下来。他的父亲为他安培了一位陪护——因酒瘾害死病人并失去医...
简介:While Ecklie fights for his life after his shooting, Russell's patience begins to wear thin as the team tries to get to his kidnapped granddaughter before she is killed.
简介:该剧由CW电视网推出,改编自DC的长寿漫画《绿箭》。拥有上亿身价的Oliver Queen(斯蒂芬·阿美尔 Stephen Amell 饰)遭遇严重的游船事故。在失踪并宣布死亡5年后,被发现生还。当他重回大都市,受到了家人和朋友的热烈欢迎,但他们也感觉他和五年前不同。海岛经历让Oliver受到精神和身体的双重考验,在众人前尽力掩藏真实的自我,一心要去补偿父亲当年对这座城市犯下的错。白天,他依然是富...
简介:Series which tells how the British musical became a driving force behind musical theatre around the world - a tale of shows, daring, rivalries, talent and fortunes set in just a single square mile